Students working in the resource room.

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! During this month, the special education department at Ash Fork School is raising awareness about this unique disABILITY and sharing tools to better increase reading skills and overall academic success.

Some signs of dyslexia include:

  • difficulty learning simple rhymes
  • speech delays
  • trouble identifying left and right
  • leaving out or repeating short words
  • trouble following complex directions
  • writing letters backward or reversing them while reading
  • difficulty with spelling
  • avoid reading aloud
  • trouble learning to tell time


If your child is showing any of these signs, it may be best to have your child assessed to determine if he or she lives with this processing challenge. However, Dyslexic symptoms can be related to another disABILITY so having your child properly screened is the first step to helping them achieve.

Please contact the special education department with any questions or for tools to help your family.